Previews and Reviews of VA Print Exhibition

Aoife Barry has written a feature in the Sunday Times to preview the VA Artists Exhibition in Graphic Studio Gallery. All this work is available to view at And Ria Czerniak-LeBov has written this feature in the current issue of Printmaking Today (Autumn 2023)

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VA Show Graphic Print Gallery

The visiting artists exhibition opens on Thursday October 19th in the Graphic Print Gallery, Temple Bar, Dublin. I will be showing new work alongside the other invited artists – Taffina Flood, Richard Gorman and Mark Francis. In addition to two new edition prints the gallery will be presenting 10 post-edition paintings. These are unique works… Continue reading VA Show Graphic Print Gallery

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Printmaking Today Article

Ria Czerniak LeBov has written a feature for Printmaking Today to coincide with the upcoming VA exhibition in Graphic Studio Gallery.

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Interview in Independent

Lucy White of the Sunday Independent interviewed me about ‘My Cultural Life’. See image below for full text.

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New work now online – Quick Response

Selected pieces from the new body of work, Quick Response, are now online. Click here to view Video statement introducing the work can be viewed here:

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